I am completely new at this. Infact I didn't even know blogger was a word. I have no idea what I'm doing but here it goes. I guess I will use this to keep track of what is going on in our lives and keep anyone interested updated.
Here is a picture of my life, my adorable but rotten son Ryan and my rotten but adorable husband Kevin. They are my world!! We also have 2 gorgeous goldens and a cat. We have a happy but crazy home. I never would have believe 7 years ago I could be so happy, content and BUSY, being a stay at home Mom but it is great. There are trying times but I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything. I can't believe people enjoy reading about other peoples lives but I am giving it a go, are you all bored yet? I will post lots of pictures, I love pictures and I hope you will all like them too. Well I must be off I will update daily if I can.
Your son is very cute, he looks just like his aunt! Your husband ain't bad I guess...for a brother-n-law!
who invited that girl...anyway
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