Thursday, January 4, 2007

Finally Posting

I have had a couple of busy days doing nothing if that makes sense. I hurt my back and have been in a lot of pain so I haven't gotten anything accomplished but I have been busy. I have gotten more accomplished today than in the last week. We got our trees down, villages put away and all signs of Christmas are gone. How sad...I'm sorry to see it go but I am glad to get things back to normal. My poor baby had to go back to school. He was miserable. He has separation anxiety, it is bad. So he was very upset to have to go to school and our whole morning routine had to change because we have no bus services in Milford anymore so we have a whole new drop off system. He hates change and really hates the new way things are at drop off. Poor baby, I know it will get better with time but I feel so sorry for him. Oh well that has been my last couple of days, laying around in pain and doing nothing, things are better and hopefully will be back to normal by the weekend. Happy New Year.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Let me know if you need someone to grocery shop or whatever for you.

Cheryl said...

I am feeling better. It's not too bad but Thank you.

Crystal said...

How did you hurt your back?? Poor Ryan, he's such a cutie.......I hope he adjusts okay.

This1musicguy said...

finally u post gosh! jk jk SM? i guess? lol