Monday, May 14, 2007


Well my not so secret sister is actually my sister, how weird is that. I can tell you she just loves animals, she always has. She would love to dog sit for anyone anytime for free, just to spend time with dogs. HAHA I crack me up. I am in a mood today. Ok Sonya isn't an animal lover but she is great with kids. Her favorite color is blue, she is totally afraid of mice, she loves Barry Manilow (she has no taste in music), she is a total reality TV junkie. Oh I wish I had pictures of the time she dressed up for the Survivor finals. It was too funny. Sonya has an alter, her name is Sue and she spits a lot. Sonya is a goofball so she makes things fun. UMMM...what else. Well what do you all want to know about Sonya? She made up her own curse word as a child that only kids could was OJay. Don't say it out loud you are all too old, you will get in trouble. She is very creative and loves to make new things up to do with the kids. Ryan adores her, he thinks she is just hilarious. The crazier she acts the happier Ryan is. I will post more later. I know you all are but pray for Sonya, she is finally getting that tooth pulled and Let's pray that the tooth coming out helps with all the other pain. Chow ladies. Have a good night.


Crystal said...

Cheers to Sonya!!! That was a very good showcase of her! I love those pictures.......I am sooo happy that she is in my life, she definitely makes things fun, and creative! I love you Sonya Marie!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Aww. I am still in shock that my sister said all those nice things about me. I know it killed her.

Thank you very much for the words but above all, thank you for the fact that you used Disney pictures of when I weighed 70 pounds less than I do now. Now that is a nice thing to do for your secret sister...make her look thinner. Thanks!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh yes, notice that we all (both families) have matching t shirts on...that was my idea!!!

Char said...

Love the pictures!
Sonya is tons of fun and I really enjoy spending time with her. One day I hope to meet her babies. :)
Hope your tooth pulling goes well and helps you with your pain!

Amanda said...

I loved what you wrote about Sonya! That was hilarious and very flattering to her. I love the pictures too!

You are both very lucky to have each other for sisters.

I hope the tooth pain is gone. What if yhey determine the pain is actually caused by her hair and they have to shave her head?

I guess that is not very supportive of me! Sorry Sonya.

I hope you have a great day! Pack for Disney and swim a bit for me!

SamandSawyersMom said...

if the pain was caused by my hair, i would shave it in a heart beat my friend. i would chop my hand off if that helped.