Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Here is my newest nephew...isn't he adorable!

I have tons to post about and tons & tons of pics but no time. I will try to get some up later.


Crystal said...

Okay, you can't post a pic of your newest nephew without telling us the details...

What's his name?
happy parents? I assume, Bethany and Aaron......don't they have three now?? YIKES!
What kind is he?

Details please???

Crystal said...

Nevermind about the name.....I see it now! ha

Cheryl said...

Yes, he is Aaron and Bethany's. He makes 3. His name is Wallace and he is the same size as their boxer Adison. They think he is about 11 months old. He is a mix they got at the shelter. Lab and American bulldog they think.

Amanda said...

Gorgeous dog! He looks like a fun one too!
We haven't seen your girls in awhile!

Char said...

Cute! He looks like he has a lot of character!