Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Weekend

Well ladies I haven't been on much this weekend. I have spent most of the weekend napping and scrapping. Can you think of anything better...well you could add a bit of shopping. I was actually going to go to Archiver's today I have some coupons I need to use but I decided to go tomorrow. Just pure laziness. I have gotten 12 more pages done, I am now working on Summer 2004, I know I am behind but I am working on it. I am actually moving along pretty well now that I have gotten started. It's great being able to run down stairs and work a little during the week, leave it and then start right back up on the weekend. Now that I am organized it's easy to do. I take so many pictures and I want to scrap everything, I have to start cutting back or I will NEVER get caught up. Oh well I am having fun and getting some done that's all that matters. Hope you all have a good weekend.


Crystal said...

Scrappin and nappin sounds wonderful! Have you even gotten out of your jammies??? ha ha

Crystal said...

Okay this post is old, I need another one! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh I so have the itch. If I could do what you all can do and leave my stuff in one place and come back to it, i would be so caught up. Mine has to be all put back every time...PAIN! I want my own space...maybe I'll get it in 22 years or so.