Thursday, February 1, 2007

Nothing to post about

I've got nothing to post should be singing that like "let's give them something to talk about". The posting world is getting kinda slow. I like to check like 5 times a day and I'm not finding much new. I realize that I am not changing my blog very often either, could we be out of things to talk about, to tell each other? NO WAY, we are women, we can talk about anything. We need to find topics to discuss or start a new game, something to get things really going. I think everyone should post one thing that no other blogger knows about them, for some this will be easy for some not so easy, but it is a start for us to get things going.

Here is my thing....I am now TERRIFIED to fly. I know that sounds strange since I flown probably 100 times, we go to Disney twice a year, but we had 1 bad flight last year and now I am so scared I can hardly breathe even thinking about it. I had to get drugs from the doctor to calms my nerves enough to fly to Disneyland, and it was still hard for me on the way home. so that is my 1 thing you guys don't know. Anyone else?

119 days until we leave for Disney the car!!!


Crystal said...

I posted my biggest fear on my blog.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i do nto know a single thing that no one knows. i am a open novel