Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Lovely Evening

Wow is this weather great or what? Too bad it isn't going to last. I am actually sitting outside watching Ryan and the girls play. We just went for a nice long walk. Half of our or should I say my walk Ryan drove his Jeep, the other half he rode his 2 wheeler. He loves to be outside. We saw lots of neighbors with dogs and kids. Hopefully playmates we can have this summer. Oh here is a croc update for you all. I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill and took a rather long walk in them, did the dishes and cooked dinner all in my crocs and still no sore feet. So I would have to say I love them. Comfy!!! Even for my very picky feet. Ryan has been living in his and loves them too. There were about 6 kids wearing them in his class today so he was very excited. The poor boy is trying to play baseball and Violet keeps stealing his ball so he'll chase her around the yard. It's pretty funny if you're not Ryan. Well my phone is ringing again so off I go. have a wonderful night girls.


Crystal said...

Glad you had a good evening........I didn't get to enjoy it since I am taking care of a sick lil guy! Don't forget to vote for Blake tonight!!!!! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

crocs are susposed to be really comfy

we were out all night too

Char said...

Do your feet sweat in the crocs?
Glad they are comfy! I might have to invest in a pair.
Sounds like a lovely night, for sure!!

Lura said...

Good job on taking a walk! I am looking forward to getting outside more with the boys.

Carrie said...

The weather yesterday was awesome...Its supposed to get nice again on Friday! YEA!
I am glad to hear your shoes are working well with your feet!!!

Cheryl said...

so far I have only worn the crocs with socks, because it's been too cold. So no sweaty feet yet.