What would keep a man from using his new grill the first night he gets it? Well NOT a thunderstorm or the fact that it was pitch black outside. Kevin put the grill together and by then it was about 8:30pm, he then had to cook dinner on it. I must say he makes a mean turkey burger. They were very good and I didn't have to cook. We even used paper plates so no clean up there. that makes it even better. we have the grill on the front porch right now until we move the hot tub on the back deck. Hopefully we'll be eating grilled food a lot this summer.
WOW! Nice grill! It's so shiny and pretty, I wouldn't wanna get it dirty! You have a hot tub too??? I'm on my way over..........
We are getting rid of it. Sorry no water in it, but in the summer I keep our pool about the temperature of a hot tub. At least that's what Kevin thinks. I like going for a warm swim at night.
yeah you never used it
Cheryl, did you watch House yet???? Oh my goodness, it's a really good one this week!!! Let me know what you thought of it! I just love House, he's such a crazy nut! ha ha
Yeah I watched it. It was so sad, but ti ended well. I loved the end when she was hanging up the pictures and them she picks up the baby. It was a perfect ending.
I like your grill! I love grilling out!
Cheryl, if you go to Amanda's blog you will see why we were making those comments on Lura's blog! ha ha
I found Amanda's blog, I get it all now.
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