Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Opinion Poll

how does everyone feel about the death penalty? why do i ask? just a little experiment to view all our opinions.

That is a hard one for me because I don't think anyone should kill anyone else, even the government BUT if someone hurt my child I believe I am capable of such violence, and would it be wrong? I would be defending my baby? I mean of course if someone was in the act of trying to hurt anyones child they have the right to do anything necessary to protect and defend their child and themselves but I think I could seriously hurt someone who hurt my baby boy after the fact. So how would be okay for me, it wouldn't be BUT I think I would. I really do, if someone seriously hurt Ryan or killed him I would not be able to control myself, I know I wouldn't. If a child his own age hurts his feelings I want to slap them, I don't I do have some control. The mama bear just comes out. So with all that being said...if someone has murdered children is it okay for the government to put them down? I just don't know. I want to say that it would still be murder BUT aren't they more of an animal than a person if they could do horrible things to children? Not a good argument either because I think it is wrong to put down an animal.

I should have picked a topic I felt strongly one way or the other about...oh well it was the first thing that came to my mind. please give you opinions. have a wonderful day ladies!!


Crystal said...

wow, finally a personal post from you!!! ha ha I love stuff like this..

I personally feel that the death penalty is WRONG. I also feel that it's an easy way out for those who have committed crimes, I feel they should have to live with what they have done and rot in prison and have a miserable life. Death puts them out of their misery. Once they die, when God calls them, He will then decide on what to do with them!

I don't think anyone has the right to take another life morally....but I feel the same as you do in that if someone hurt my child, I don't know if I could stop myself......it doesn't make it right, but no reasonable thoughts would be in my mind at the time, I'm sure.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i would love to get involved in such a personal issue, but I have no idea how I feel about this. One minute, I agree the next I don't. I feel both sides have pros and cons.

If you pick one I am passionate abotu, I will give more opinions. SOrry, I don't care much either way.

Anonymous said...

I go back and forth with that issue, too.

did you change your e mail? I have sent you 3 e mails and they came back saying your address doesn`t exist. I sent you a long one,too, in response about the wisdom teeth and whatever else came to thought but it`s gone. I have no idea where it went but it`s gone.

Carrie said...

Well, this may come as a shocker, but I am FOR the death penalty. If you take another person's life that person does not deserve to live. Do you really think prison is horrible? No, murderers get the easy way out by STAYING in prison. They are proud of what they have done and that sickens me. I think the death penalty should be more torturous. I think by getting lethal injection they don't suffer long enough, even the electric chair they don't suffer enough.

Also, when someone does get the death penalty it takes years (usually) to actually go to death row and die. Why take the chance of a murderer breaking out of prison? (I know its highly unlikely, but not impossible!)

Also, prisons and jails are overcrowded as it is and some people go free (a murderer, no) but my point is why not get rid of a few so there is room for more! The less bad people on the streets the better!!

Carrie said...

All I have to say is Scott Peterson! Do you think he deserves to live after killing his wife and unborn child????

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have an opinion either way because obviously I don't have children to think about.....however, hundreds of people in the history of death sentencing have been put to death for being wrongly accused. Obviously you don't hear about it in the media because that would be admitting the justice system had a flaw. So the system isn't perfect....so not only would the life of the child, person, or whomever would be innocently taken, but also another person who did nothing wrong.

Well then one COULD say ..."if the prove is substantial and undoubtedly correct then it's fine". This is good but the criminal justice system doesn't sentence people to death unless they THINK the evidence is unarguable...but obviously it is :/

So no matter what side is taken there's that lovely piece of thought to chew on.

But like I said...either way, I have no preference. I'm not against death penalty or for. Kinda on the fence I suppose lol

Anonymous said...

if the PROOF i mean. not "prove" my b. typo.

Amanda said...

Okay, here goes.
I tend to flip-flop on this issue a lot. There are people out there that commit such heinous crimes, Jeffery Dahmer coming to mind, that I feel the only way to punish them is to put them to death. That way they have no chance of harming anyone else. Child Killers, anyone who has been proven beyond a doubt to have committed murder I am for the death penalty. Then with cases like Scott Peterson, I don't think he is innocent, but I don't think it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he murdered his wife and unborn child. So I feel uncomfortable with the decision to give him a death sentence. So I guess I stand somewhere in the middle.
The whole mess with Nick Hogan has been all over the news lately. He has shown no remorse for what happened and is trying to get a reality (or as he so annoyingly mispronounces it real-ality) show out of the whole thing. What happens if his friend does die? Could he be retried for the death and given a death sentence? I doubt that would or could happen, but would it be fair? I am so disgusted with the whole Hogan family over this. Is anyone else following it?
So there is my opinion. Thanks Cheryl!

Cheryl said...

I agree with Carrie too. She made very good points, David too. Thanks for all the opinions. I am going to post more probing questions! I like this. let hear from more people!!

Anonymous said...

now with dna testing the wrongly acccused are few and far between

scott peterson was so guilty in my opinion. there was no doubt in my mind. i would have done the same thing as a juror.

Lura said...

Another thought, vengeance is God's, not ours. As much as we'd like to see people die for the horrible things they've done, it doesn't change what's happened. No amount of their suffering could pay for the life that is lost. I mean could you really torture someone for a certain period of time and then say "ok, they've paid"? And if you tortured them to their death, would it be enough? And if it's not enough, does it make sense to do it at all? Some things to think about.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the death penalty is god's way of vengence. He allows us to do so many things so stop total K-oss. Had to sound that out my mind is blank on the spelling. Just maybe he extracts vengence that way.

Debby said...

Well, this is not going to be a shock to my children but I am NOT for the death penalty. THOU SHALT NOT KILL!! That is why. He also says not to hold a grudge and that HE is the altimate judge, and that we should forgive. If you get someone back for a sin they have committed then you have committed all those sins, judging, revenge, and unforgivness. The bible says that if someone strikes you on the cheek you should turn the other cheek, not slap them back. I think that says it all. Here is something else. I know that this is going to tic some people off but it is how I honestly feel. If a person takes another ones life, for any reason, legal, according to mans law or not, anyone, then they are limiting the time that the person has to get saved and avoid going to hell. Can I guarantee that if that person has more time on earth that they would straighten up and get saved, of course not. But I don't want to be the person that guarantees that he or she doesn't go to heaven and that is what you are doing if you kill anyone for any reason. If anyone dies without being saved they are not going to heaven in my opinion. There is always the possiblity that they could be rehabilitated if they have the time here on earth. God wants us to lead others to Him, not make sure they don't get a chance to be led to Him. Fortunately I have never had to experience a murdered family member or friend. I pray that I never do but if I have to go through it I pray that God gives me the ability to forgive them and not want revenge. I truly believe that that is what God wants us to do. And to say that a person deserves to die is judging, no one has the right to judge anyone. God makes that decision, not us. I could go on and on but I won't. I have said enough.

kellerie said...

i used to be opposed to the death penalty - then i moved to texas. seriously, that does change a person's opinion on things.

i guess i'm for it only in the most extreme cases, which is where it gets complicated, because one person's extreme can be totally different for another person.

in the case of people who've hurt children, i say let 'em fry. and none of this painless crap, either.

i also agree with Lura on the state of prisons. we're so worried about being fair and all of that, we've made it way too comfortable. they don't need tvs in there. it's supposed to be a punishment. it's supposed to be difficult.

i think i get a little more conservative every day. hmmm.

talking to dad said...

It is crazy to debate this. We live in a state WITH the death penalty. What honestly is the difference between LIFE in prison with no possibility of parole and death? Other than millions of dollars of tax payers money. Criminals know what they are doing, and if they were afraid of the death penalty they wouldn't commit crimes in a state with it, other than the fact Ohio doesn't use it all that much. After apeeals are exhausted it still takes YEARS to put someone to death. The person they killed is gone in an instant. The OLD TESTAMENT says an eye for an eye Exodus chapter 21 verses 23 and 24. The basis is the punishment should fit the crime. If a convicted child molester moved in nex to you how would you feel? What if he had killed a child but was now reformed? He has paid his debt to society, what if he were a rapist? Would you feel safe? Knowing that most violent criminals will repeat their offense. Locking them away for life does nothing either. What use do they serve to society? If the LAW says you do this you WILL be put to death, and a jury of his peers finds him guilty and the sentence is death then death is what he gets. We are too soft from prisons to convictions.