Saturday, December 16, 2006

3D Glasses

Grammy got Ryan some 3D books, he loved them. He was so excited because they were all about animals. They all came with silly 3D glasses that match the theme of the book. I love the picture of them in their glasses.


SamandSawyersMom said...

It is so funny because mom always has on a baggy shirt at "our" houses because the woman never wears her own clothes. I am sure that was Kevin's shirt. She wears mine or Steve's here. She just goes in our room and comes out in a new outfit, especially at bedtime. She will have on a shirt that goes past her knees and she's ready for bed. Thr glasses are cute.

Crystal said...

LOL That's funny! Your mother helped clothe you for 18 years! Let the poor woman borrow a shirt! LOL

Cheryl said...

Yep. Kevin's shirt.