Monday, December 11, 2006

Brother or Sister

This is my "brother" David in a "talent" show at school. He sang "I feel pretty" with the other girl. That hair runs in the family. The big flower is just too much. Ryan was embarrassed and would stand for a picture with David after the show. David and his friend were good and a few others but most were really bad. One girl I actually thought was deaf. We laughed so hard at a few of them but it was fun.


SamandSawyersMom said...

The crazy thing is that david's outfit is nicer than the other girls.

Cheryl said...

Those were her clothes too.

Crystal said...

Good for him to have the nerve to dress like a girl!!! Most boys his age, would NEVER!

This1musicguy said...

in my opinion....the person with the pink jacket thing on is amazingly good looking lol jk