We went to Tri-county mall to get free tickets to Monster's Inc. Any kid wearing either a costume or PJ's got a free ticket and a spin on the prize wheel. David and his friend Jonathan wore my housecoats to get tickets and prizes for us. David danced with some chic from the radio station while we were in line. She asked Ryan to dance and he wouldn't so David volunteered. Crazy boy. We won a program and Ryan was thrilled.
David is nuts. We are not sure what happpend to him. When he was a baby, I put him in the ceiling fan by accident and we think the circular motion mixed his brain cells up.
LOL He sounds like a lot of fun!
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL it all started with the fan lemme tell ya lol from that and the loss of brain cells during my pickle choking incident lol
LOL David, you are too much!
i try i try
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