Ryan has his first LaCrosse game on Saturday. He is so excited!! We ahve to go to practice in this muddy mess outside in a few minute.
We have been so busy lately. Things have been crazy, he has cub scout stuff going on all the time. At our next meeting he will be getting about 11 awards and he is so excited. He is doing well in school and report cards come home on Friday.
the pics are of the open house and hike for cub scouts we did on Saturday.
I have buckled down this week and have started eating right and exercising again. I want to lose 30 pounds by the time we leave for Disney. It is a big goal for me...especial with EASTER, my birthday and Ryan's birthday between now and then. I hope I can stick to it. Kevin is back on the wagon too, I can't remember his Disney goal right now. Pray for us!!
I have lots of friends going through tough times right now. I feel for you all, I am praying for you all. Things will get better. Have faith!
Have a go day everyone. I am off to watch my son get extremely muddy!!
Cool Ryan! 11 awards! wow!
I will long distance diet and exercise with you. I need to desperately!
How did lacrosse go?
When is Disney?
Do I need to start practicing mail runs for my post card yet?
cub scouts was perfect for him. welcome to our world. once your kids get involved you become so busy all the time. It has been like that for us since Sammy started soccer at 3..now we have sports (t ball soon) piano lessons and kids worship practices and performances. it is a lot but I love it.
11 awards! great job!
good luck with the weight loss! i've found that for me, the difference really is exercising. If I do my sit ups and stuff, even if it's only 15 minutes a day, I do much better, even if I cheat a little on the diet.
Way to go Ryan on the 11 awards! That is great.
Good luck on the weightloss. You can do it.
Ok, I thought I commented on this but I guess I didn't. Or it got lost in comment limbo land.
Great job on the 11 awards Ryan! Wow! I'm glad he enjoys it! That's wonderful.
Good luck on the exercising! I'm sure you can do it!!
you go Ry!!! That's awesome!!! Girl, I have lost 6 pounds just from stress.....but I still need to tighten up everything. You will do fantastic I just know it. You look awesome!
uhm, what's a go day??? haha
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