Ryan having snuggle time with Violet and Blaster.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Proud Wife
Tonight Kevin was inducted into the Norwood Athletic Hall of Fame. He was so nervous it was too cute. He gave a great speech and looked handsome in his suit. Ryan insisted on wearing a button down and tie like Daddy even though I bought him a beautiful sweater to wear. He looked cute too. It was a very nice ceremony. 5 other people were inducted. We were all very proud of Kev!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just Stuff
We are anxiously awaiting Kevin's arrival home. He won't be home until about 11:00pm tonight. Ryan has spent the night playing with the girls and the piggies. He really love his animals, I don't know what he'd do without them. I am sitting with one now on my neck, hiding in my hair. Silly little thing! They are so sweet, I am really glad we got them. The dogs seem to like them too, and not in a I"d like to eat you way.
I can't believe Christmas is sneaking up on us so quickly! I mean I love the Holiday season and can't wait for it, but boy do I have a lot to do! I am cutting way back this year! I have barely gotten started and that is not like me. Can't wait for Black Friday! I just love that day!!
Today was the last day of our book fair. It turned out really well. The kids also had an all school sing for the Veteran's in our area. They invite the Veteran's to school and sing all kinds of patriotic songs and thank them. It was really good. I took pics but I haven't downloaded them yet. Soon I promise!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Piggy Playhouse
Ryan and I made a play house for the guinea pigs tonight. He is very excited and they seemed to love it! They stayed in it forever, until we finally had to let the girls in. He really loves having the pigs! They are sweet little things. They get a long with dogs pretty well. I laid the pigs on the dogs tonight, they all took it well.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November is Here!!
Here are a few pics from the last week or so. We made pumpkin cookies and carved pumpkins. We had a really good Halloween. We went trick or treating and then ordered pizza and played Catch Phrase. Ryan had a little friend over, Katie. She is a cutie and had fun too. I have been busy since then getting ready for the school book fair, I really need to stop signing up for so many committees. It should be fun though and makes tons of money for the PTO. I am trying to go through all Ryan's clothes and toys before Christmas...boy is that a task. Needs to be done so badly. Ryan won 3rd place in our yearbook cover contest. His drawing will be on the back of the yearbook. He is thrilled. He got a certificate and a little prize. He is excited, the whole school voted on which one they liked best.
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