Monday, April 5, 2010

Horse Back riding!

Cleaning Treger and getting him ready!

He couldn't be more happy!!

Wednesday we went out to Mom's bosses farm and got to go horse back riding. Ryan was thrilled. He was so excited on the way out there. He got to brush the horse and get him ready for the ride. Ryan was in Heaven. He was a natural rider, he had so much fun. This time Lisa led Treger(the horse), next time Ryan is going to learn to ride with a bit and steer him himself. Treger was so sweet and gentle! Mom and I rode him too. I fell getting on and Ryan and Mom had a great laugh! I did too!! Riding was great once I got on...haha. Hopefully we can go back a few times this summer! (even more pics on facebook, I took over 400)


sonya said...

It looks fun.

Amanda said...

How fun! Horseback riding is wonderful - I can't wait to lose weight so I can go again! It has been ages. I wouldn't have laughed when you fell, Cheryl. I am sorry that happened.

did that sound sincere?

Crystal said...

OMG that picture of you on your butt is priceless! hahaha LOVE IT! I am terrified of horses...ever since I saw sonya fall off of one and almost get stepped on! Oh and remember the time you got my butt on a pony and and took me across camp on that dang thing as I was screaming!!! haha

Carrie said...

AWESOME pics! How fun!!!!