We have been very busy! Besides the holidays and then the holiday clean up we have torn out all the carpet, I now have plywood floors, and have painted the dining room. Unfortunately we painted 1 wall about 5 times before I finally found a color I loved. Now we are going to paint the living room. then we are going to lay down the wood floors. Thanks to all those who looked at all the samples and helped me decide on which floor I wanted. The floor is here and we hope to start laying it on Saturday. We have to wait for a few more things to come in. I will post pics when we finally get it done.
There has been a wonderful change in my son. He has been so mouthy and rotten for months, just terrible. Very mean. Well over the holidays our schedules were so messed up half the time he fell asleep in the car or on the couch without taking his medicine. Well we noticed a huge difference in his attitude. I have since stopped giving him his medicine and he is the caring loving boy I always knew was in there. oh he isn't perfect but he is good. I am amazed!! I hope it last. i will have to talk to his doctor about his meds, he seems to be doing fine right now without them but winter isn't a huge allergy time for us. We'll see.
I added some pics of us getting beautiful on New Year's eve just because I like looking at everyone else's pics. Hope you like'em. Oh my I just saw the first few that popped up, not pretty, funny but not pretty. The process isn't pretty but boy were we when we finished. Unfortunately we didn't take any after shots, you'll just have to take my word for it!
Guess that is it. Nothing else really interesting going on.
That looks like a ton of fun!!
I'm glad that Ryan is being better. I'm always experimenting with food and such to see what difference it makes in the boy's behaviors. Of course caffeine is a huge trigger for Jacob.
I bet the floors will look spectacular! Wow! I can't wait to see them and the color of your walls.
i want carpet too but it would be crazy with the kids here all day.
My face could use a facial too. It is so dry.
Wow - you are doing all kinds of cool things to your house! It will be brand spanking new when you are all finished!! Your beauty treatments look like alot of fun :) I just colored my hair for the first time the other day myself - usually I go somewhere and spend way too much money. I'm happy with the way it turned out, so I'm going to continue for a while and save some dough :)
the key to laying the floors is PATIENCE! we learned the hard way that you have to go slowly, or mistakes will happen that can't be corrected.
also, open up a few of the boxes at the same time. some will have all long pieces, some will have all short pieces, and the finish will be slightly different for each box. it looks better if you mix it up as you go.
i can't wait to see pics of the finished room!
I can't wait to see the new floors and new paint! I am the same, it may take me 5 times to get the color I want, but when you find it you know you will keep it.
that is great Ryan's attitude is better without meds. That is something definitely to talk to the doc about.
You look like you had fun getting beautified!
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