Kevin got a little bored!
We are always so busy in October. We love love love the fall activities. We go to the pumpkin farms and cub scouts have a lot of stuff going on. It is a busy but fun month for us. Here are some pics from Spook o ree, it is a cub scout halloween party with games, haunted trails and castles, trick or treating and a maze. Fun stuff. Most of our pics are on facebook too. We went to spook o ree last weekend just to have fun. Then we went this past weekend to work the maze. We spent a few hours scaring people. Oh my gosh it was so fun. I never got tired of seeing people duck, or jerk or even scream. It was so funny! Mom went too, she enjoyed scaring people too. My little gangster held people up, I must have heard "Give me all ya valuables" about a thousand times. But he had a blast! There are also a few pics from our October pack meeting where the kids did skits. Ryan was the butt of his den's joke and loved it!!! It is such a ham! Looking forward to Halloween!! Have a great time!!