Look at all the girls!!
Oh our weekend last weekend. The cub scout campout. I posted all the pics on facebook. I almost froze too death. We slept in a tent and the temperature was 35 degrees when we got up. I didn't sleep at all, Ryan slept very well in his nice warm sleeping bag, 2 sweatshirts, sweat pants and hat. He looked too cute getting in bed like that. We had a lot of fun. He did a ton of fishing and loved it. I froze!!! all night and the whole next day until we got home. Kev got the tent and stuff laid out to dry and I took a long HOT bath and then a long nap. Ryan went to mom's to visit my brothers dogs.
K, that is really it now. Chow!! Ciao!
Wonderful post! I love the pictures! I am so sorry that you do not feel to well. I hope that it is not an infection! Love you!
Cute pictures!
Sorry you froze! There's nothing I hate more than being cold! Brrr!
Hope you feel better soon!!
Cute pics. Ryan's girl is a cutie too!
Hope you have a nice anniversary!
I love the pics.
ah, freezing in a sleeping bag. that reminds me of many a campout. the worst was one where we were in cabins, but it still was freezing. the last day, we found out that all the other cabins had heaters, and we were supposed to, also!
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