Monday, January 21, 2013

Magical Weekend

Ryan and I are going to Columbus for the weekend.  There is a magic convention at the Crown Plaza.  His math/magic teacher is going and invited some of the kids to go.  It is expensive but we got an amazing discount.  Ryan is very excited.  It is Thursday evening all day and night Friday and Saturday!  We are going to stay with my brother Aaron and Bethany.  Should be fun. I will get a lot of reading and posting done.  Just a guess that lectures on magic may not keep my attention.  Though I am looking forward to all the shows.  

Now I have to get everything we need together and get the GPS together.  I never do the driving when we go away, Kev does so pray for Ryan and I we don't get

Have a great day ladies!


Unknown said...

oh that sounds like so much fun and it will be a blast staying with bethany and aaron safe and dont argue with the gps like my hubby does lol cant wait to hear all about it and see all the pics!

Carrie said...

Awww!! That will be so fun for Ryan!

Char said...

Ok, I just wrote out this big long comment for this. Again....
Todd and Jacob will be there too! Jacob won a scholarship for tickets for he and 1 guest, so they get in for free. But, I did make hotel reservations for them to stay there so they could be there early and stay as late as they want and just walk to their room. It should be fun! That's funny you all are both going! I'll show them your pictures so they can keep their eyes open for you!! Now I wish I were going so I could hang with you!

Cheryl said...

I wish you had gone too Charity, that would have been awesome!