Here we are with many other crazy family members. Ryan adores Uncle Aaron and his boxer Addison. Ryan and Grandma Sweet don't usually wear hairnets, we were visiting Grandpa's work, we got to see how pizzas are made, Ryan loved it, but we had to wear lots of stuff to keep everything clean. The other picture is of Uncle David who Ryan thinks hung the mood and his friend ( the tall one), well the tall human, the other one is Scooby doo. We go lots of places with lots of different people, Ryan is very lucky to have so many people who love him and spend so much time with him. I am terrible about downloading pictures so these are all pretty old. Well more later...
We were never invited to pa pa's work. Why am I not surprised!
remember Dad told you they had to be at least 5
no i didn't even know they had a place where you can check out the place and ryan wasn't 5 then
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