How sweet is that. Ryan loving on Daddy and Violet loving on Ryan. That puppy sure adores her boy. Mira likes him but Violet acts like she will die without him. I leave her in her cage while he's at school because all she does is look for him. She drives me crazy if he isn't home. The other one is Violet when she was spade, poor puppy. She couldn't even walk with the cone on her head so I didn't make her wear it except at night. She was miserable but so cute. Mira is wearing the Mickey Ears. Like everyone else in this family the dogs wear Disney stuff. Ryan and I just bought them Mickey T-shirts yesturday. They haven't tried them on yet but I will get lots of pictures when they do. Just gotta love'em!!!
I have a great idea. Do you still have that cone?? If so, leave it on that wild woman and she might calm a bit!
She hated Mira when we got her too. Now she loves her. No one can hate Goldens. She is sweet, she just seems wild compared to Mira who is very lazy.
yeah right, Violet isn't calm compared to a herd of wild elephants!
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