Ryan and the girls had so much fun playing in the leaves. They jumped in them and buried themselves in them. The girls kept attacking Ryan, he could just laugh and giggle. This was a great afternoon for a boy and his dogs. They had a blast. I looked out the window at one point and Violet was laying belly up in a big pile of leaves and Ryan was burying her face. She loved it. They played for hours. It was too cold for Mommy.
Where is that child's hat if it was too cold for mommy??
It wasn't that cold. Just chilly. this really isn't about a hat. I just thought it was too chilly to stay out there when I didn't want to jump in the leaves.
I love that not only can you two bicker in real life, but now you can do it on the internet too! Isn't technology great for bringing families closer together! :)
who keeps giving that girl the post addresses????
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