Thursday, December 28, 2006


Well I finally learned to rip CD's and to upload stuff to my MP3 all buy myself. It is so EASY, I should have learned before. I am doing so much more now that I have my laptop. I am learning a lot of new stuff, I just love my laptop. I'll soon be as computer savvy as Kevin, Okay maybe not but I am learning. I need to go to bed now, we are all up and it's 2:30am. Our schedules are so screwed up. Oh well, good-night all.


Crystal said...

That's cool that you can do that yourself. Shawn does mine for me, maybe I will try to learn since you say it's easy.

This1musicguy said...

yay cheryl so proud of, music, AND BLUETOOTH ur like techno wizard now (ummm sort of)