For Sonya's I answered it in the comments but since I have 3 more I will put the answer here. If I could go anywhere that wasn't Disney where would I go.....I would love to go to Alaska and also Maine. I'm sure there are many other places too but those come mind first.
Crystal...Favorite childhood memories....I guess fishing and hiking with my Dad. I can remember 100s of those times. also playing in the front yard with friends and the hose.
Charity...If I could only keep 1 Disney thing, what would it be?...First let me say that that is MEAN. I would have to say...either of these 2 things, my Cinderella and Prince Charming dancing Classic Piece cake topper from my wedding or the Dancing Beauty and the Beast classic piece Kevin gave me on oh wedding. OH no...I know. The castle I got on my first trip to WDW. That is the piece that started my whole collection.
Crystal...If I could change one thing about myself. I don't know, I guess I would make me taller. This is a hard one because I just don't care.