Saturday we went to Kings Island for P&G day. We got lots of free goodies and had lots of fun. David rode the new Fire Hawk, that thing is freaky looking!! He liked it though. Ryan won a Spiderman all by himself, and Daddy won the other 2. He was thrilled, he loves the black Spiderman.
There you are!Good job on winning the spidermans.I know he was thrilled to win one himself.
Oh you rode my favorite ride!!! I love that thing!
Looks like fun. I love the big toilet! Does Kevin work for P & G?
No his parents are both retired from P&G.
Hello no one mentions that ginormous stuffed animal? He can barely hold it up! Holy cow. where are you going to put that thing? Oh my gosh. what game did he win that on???
That is a Charmin bear, like a character! funny
I like the big toilet!
My dad worked for P&G too. I loved going to K.I. for P&G day.
That looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad you got to go.
The toilet is hilarious. haha!
The weather had to of been gorgeous for that day!! That's wonderful. I hate going to parks when it's really hot out.
what???????????? are you serious??
that looks like fun. i haven't been there in years!
what's the deal with the big toilet?
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