Ryan came home yesterday with a little certificate for good grades, I haven't gotten his report card yet but I am guessing it is good. I'm glad. We have parent teacher conferences on Thurday. I am glad, I hate being out of the loop. Last year I was there all the time, I could have done all the conferences for Mrs. Dunigan, this year I only know what Ryan tells me.
We got the house cleaned up over the weekend, so I have to do is maintain this week. So far so good. I got all Ryan's Christmas gifts wrapped yesterday. I am finished with everything for him. YAY, just waiting for the big day now. Oh yeah i guess I need to buy for everyone else. I love to shop and wrap early so I am not rushed during the Holiday season. i am going to wrap all of Amanda's kids things tomorrow. I plan to do all my other shopping on Black Friday one of the greatest days of the year. I just love it!!
I have been selling so much stuff on ebay and Craig's list, it is so fun. It has slowed down a bit this week. I need to et stuff listed on ebay for Dad, we have nothing to watch right now.
Poor Ryan has a terrible cold. I can't really give him anything to help because of his allergy medicine. So I use other methods, I sit him up to sleep and he wears a breathe right strip. Those things are great, I wear them all the time. Well I must go and get a plan for dinner. Mom is coming over for her birthday. She is the big 57! today. Ryan decorated her cake, oh is it decorated, I let him actually do all the icing and everything this time. Boy, is it interesting. It's a good thing Grandma's love everything their grandson make. It will still taste yummy I hope, he did that part too.
Chow girlies!!