Ryan came home yesterday with a little certificate for good grades, I haven't gotten his report card yet but I am guessing it is good. I'm glad. We have parent teacher conferences on Thurday. I am glad, I hate being out of the loop. Last year I was there all the time, I could have done all the conferences for Mrs. Dunigan, this year I only know what Ryan tells me.
We got the house cleaned up over the weekend, so I have to do is maintain this week. So far so good. I got all Ryan's Christmas gifts wrapped yesterday. I am finished with everything for him. YAY, just waiting for the big day now. Oh yeah i guess I need to buy for everyone else. I love to shop and wrap early so I am not rushed during the Holiday season. i am going to wrap all of Amanda's kids things tomorrow. I plan to do all my other shopping on Black Friday one of the greatest days of the year. I just love it!!
I have been selling so much stuff on ebay and Craig's list, it is so fun. It has slowed down a bit this week. I need to et stuff listed on ebay for Dad, we have nothing to watch right now.
Poor Ryan has a terrible cold. I can't really give him anything to help because of his allergy medicine. So I use other methods, I sit him up to sleep and he wears a breathe right strip. Those things are great, I wear them all the time. Well I must go and get a plan for dinner. Mom is coming over for her birthday. She is the big 57! today. Ryan decorated her cake, oh is it decorated, I let him actually do all the icing and everything this time. Boy, is it interesting. It's a good thing Grandma's love everything their grandson make. It will still taste yummy I hope, he did that part too.
Chow girlies!!
Take a picture of the cake, I wanna see it!
Daws has a terrible cold again too. A humidifier helps alot and so does taking a hot shower......he loves showers! You may want to try the humidifier.
I have parent/teacher conferences on Thursday too! I can see by the papers that come home that Daws pretty well but he usually just has issues with talking to much.....can't figure out where he gets that from! SM
I'm sure Ry is doing awesome!
Oh and I love the pics of the doggies!!! too cute!
Happy Birthday, mom.
I can`t believe you have everything done for Ryan for christmas.
Good luck with the rest of the e bay stuff for your dad.
These colds are going around and around, 2 of my kids are sick right now, too.
She said thank you.
I'm with you on getting the shopping done early. The year I was pregnant w/ the twins, I did that and it was so much nicer!
Good job Ryan!!!! That's great about his certificate!
We are not ready for Christmas yet. We do love to shop the day after Thanksgiving! Woohoo! It's fun! haha!
Eww, I hate those colds where they can't breath and they are so uncomfortable.
i actually ahve the day after thanksgiving as a holiday in my daycare contract!!!
glad mom had a good birtdhay and that ry's grades are great
I can't remember the last time I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving. It always sounds busy but fun. Maybe when the kids are older I'll get a chance to get up at the crack of dawn and go. My dad always did!
My conference is the 16th, Gabe brought home great grades tonight.
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