We've had a good weekend so far. Friday Ryan went to a birthday party for a classmate, he actually let me drop him off and come back for him at the end. He was nervous but he did really well. It was a Mom he knew well from last year. Saturday morning we went to the Home Depot build and grow thing. Unfortunately we missed the pirate ship, they ran out really early. So Ryan did an art caddy. He really liked it. This morning he got up and decorated it. We got most of the house cleaned this weekend and I posted lots of stuff on Craig's list and ebay. So it has been a very productive weekend. We even went to Dad's on Saturday. Now we are waiting for friends to get here and we are going out to dinner and then just hang out at home. Chow ladies and Dad.
Oh I love the art caddy!!! That's too cool and very useful! Ry looks so cute! ha
are those his real glasses...what did I miss?
How cool is that.
No he has been Harry Potter for days, he draws the scar on every day and wears the glasses and robe.
ha!! that is so funny
Glad you had a nice weekend!
I was going to say he still looks like Harry Potter but wasn`t sure how that was going to fly.Funny.
CRUP! That's hilarious!
Hey, I did comment on your long comment on my blog. You must of checked it before I did it!
The art caddy looks cool! I am sure with as much as that kid loves crafts that he will have it filled in no time!
The halloween costumes are cute! Boy do you look scary!
We need to go do those crafts!
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