Our Thanksgiving was wonderful and actually relaxing. I loved doing a lot of the cooking, the dishes were the only downside and I did very few of those. Kevin washed and Joy dried, I just cleared everything. After I cleared the table, Ted decided to show his super hero side and wore one of my table cloths as his cape. I went for the camera and by the time I came back he had a little sidekick! Mom was really sick and had to stay in bed most of the day. She got the turkey put in the oven and that was about it. She came downstairs later and had some mash potatoes and jello. We had a wonderful meal and then just sat around talking and looking at ads of course. Bethany and Aaron played a few games of Guess who with Ryan. Adam came too and brought his little dog Cloe, she is just the sweetest thing and got a long with Mira and Violet really well. She even cried at the door when we put them out so we could eat. I didn't take very many pictures but I will post more later. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too.
That man is a NUT!!! ha ha I love it!!!!
Looks like alot of fun.
That's "super"!
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