I can't believe we colored eggs on St. Patrick's Day but we did. It is too early for Easter. Oh well. Ryan had a blast coloring eggs. He uses his fingers and colors his whole hands, at one point he had blue running all the way down to his elbow. The point is we had fun.
We are all off today. Ryan is down the street playing with 2 little girls Allison and Emily. It is so funny the difference between boys and girls. The girls scream the whole time they are playing, those high pitch squeals! I can hear them and they are all the way down the street in the cul-d-sac. I am still in my jammies. I slept in, it was wonderful.
Well I hope this makes our new post nazi happy! Yes, Carrie I mean you!!! JK
Oh I love the little bunny egg cars......too cute!!! I miss when Daws was outside playing with his friends.......he does too. Hopefully he will meet some kids soon since the weather will be nicer now.
Carrie is the new post natzi!!! She got me too! ha ha
I got all of ya'll who are slackin' on the postin' HA!
I love the eggs. Very pretty.
Its so nice out today that I can smell spring, but tomorrow I smell winter again...YUCK!
Think she should get her nose fixed
Hey, did you change your wall color??? It looks like it's a pumpkin color.......I love it!!! I thought it was yellow though......hmm
It's still yellow, Ryan may have had the red lights on??
ha ha That's too cool that your red lights make the walls turn orange!!!
Get to postin some Easter pics!
those are great pics
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