Ryan was thrilled that Nick finally made it home from his Dad's in time to play in the snow. They played for hours. They really enjoyed the fort Ryan and Daddy, (mainly Daddy) made. I don't have any pictures of them making the fort, I didn't know they were doing it and Kevin didn't think to take pictures. Ryan and Nick also pulled each other around on the sleds. Ryan never get both dogs hooked up to his, I guess he forgot. The snow is melting away which Ryan finds very sad. I'm glad to see it go now and I am ready for Spring. Good news, it looks like it is on the way, my flowers are starting to pop up through the snow!! Soon we'll have daffodils and tulips!!!
That fort is too cool!! We always made big tunnels when I was a kid! I loved that! Glad Ry got to play with Nick!
I love the fort! Very good!!
I'm ready for spring too! I saw that my tulips were starting to show as well. I need to get some daffodils. I love them!
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