Here are some of the pictures from yesterday. Ryan and Kyle decided to throw snowballs at Daddy, so Kevin threw whole shovels full of snow at them. It was so funny!! They all loved it. The girls stuck their heads all the way down in the snow, they looked like bodies with no heads! They love snow! Violet tries to catch the snow as Kevin throws the snow from the shovel. Strange dog! Poor Ryan had frozen little feet after going out for only a few minutes. The snow was so deep his shoes kept filling up with snow. So I ended up tying bags to his feet, that did the trick and he was dry!
We had a wonderful day yesterday. We all played in the snow, then we had a fire and all sat around together in the family room all toasty warm. We haven't used the fireplace in forever, it was nice. Then Ryan and Kev played Wii while I had lunch and watched. Then last night we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. It really was a great family day!!!
I love the picture of your dog (don't remember which one) with her head in the snow! That is so cute!
All the pics are adorable. Ryan's feet tied in plastic bags is cute. That's a good idea too!
ha those are so cute. those dogs are nuts
Those are cute pictures of the dogs!!! ha ha Wow! I can't believe she had her whole face down in the snow like that! That's hilarious!!
Doesn't Ry have boots??
rubber boats were even worse, they filled up as soon as you'd step in the snow and get very heavy. the snow was up over the edges of all shoes!
Your day sounds awesome!! Very nice, warm, cozy and fun.
I love the pictures of the dogs. That's so funny. I might have to try the plastic bags idea.
I love the bags on the feet and the dogs picture!
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