Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

happy Earth Day everyone. what a beautiful Earth day it is. my hostas are coming up. and we have a bird nest in my roses that has 4 eggs in it. Ryan is thrilled with that. he climbs up and checks on them everyday, eventually the mommy bird is going to attack him.

i took Ryan's cans to be recycled today for Earth day. he had 36 pounds, he got $33.12. he is going to be thrilled.

Ryan's circus play is at school today. he was so excited this morning. if all the kids are like him they'll get nothing done today. i hope to be able to tape it and take pictures. but i am going by myself so it may not turn out so great. we'll see.

well have a magical day!!


Char said...

Happy Earth Day back! How sweet that you have baby birds coming!
Yeah on the recycling of cans!! Wow, that's great!
I hope you got to take lots of nice pictures of the play. I bet all the kids were so excited.
I have some of those points to send to you again for Ryan's class. Are you still collecting??

SamandSawyersMom said...

i hope he did a good job

Lura said...

Aren't birds nests fun?! We have a kildeer nest on the edge of our driveway. It has 4 eggs too. I put up little marker flags on each side so that no one would run over them. What a crazy place to build a nest. You'll have to take a picture of your nest and hopefully get some of the babies after they are born!

Looking forward to pictures of his play!

Carrie said...

Happy EArth day...two days late!

Recycling pays off! That's awesome!