We let Ryan keep the lizards we caught in Disney. He has 4 of them. We stopped on the way home and bought all their supplies and a cage. We spent over $200 on our free lizards! But we all really enjoy them. They are so fun to watch! Kevin is building a stand for them so we can keep them in the family room. They are all doing well. The first day didn't go so well. That is what the pictures are of. We got them all set up in their cage and were watching them. I go outside to get a few sticks for them to climb on and when i come back in Julia, and Kevin are dying laughing and David is under my dining room table. Well they all just stop and stare at me when I come in. Well my genius husband opened the package of 24 live crickets and spilled them. David was catching them and trying to keep the girls from eating or stepping on them. They caught them all and he did it again!! We were all crawling around on the floor catching crickets. Once we finally caught them all it was pretty funny. The only probably I had with keeping the lizards was that we had to feed them live crickets. Crickets drive me crazy...they are so loud. If you get one in the house it drives me crazy for weeks. Well these are the tiniest little crickets I have ever seen and they aren't noisy so ti has worked out well. we all love watching them, even Nick. They all have names and different "personalities".
oh i hope to God that pic of mom was before her surgery. if not, she is in big trouble. i would not totally be surprised though.
What kind of lizards are they? They look cool! That's an awesome cage. There is no such thing as a free pet! haha!!
Funny cricket story. haha!
Oh you're brave! NO WAY! I would have been out the front door when the crickets got loose and I wouldn't come back in until I was guaranteed they were put away!!!
ha ha OH my! That is hysterical! ha ha What are the names of the lizards??? That's sooo cool that you guys let him keep them......can you hold them?
oh, you are wayyy nicer than me! tanis wanted a lizard so bad, but i said absolutely not to anything i had to bring bugs in the house for.
it's funny that you captured lizards down there to keep as pets. when we lived in texas, we did everything we could to keep them OUT of the house! :)
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