Today Kevin got out his old metal dectecor to show Ryan. they found some stuff in our yard and also went to the park for about an hour to find more goodies. Ryan really enjoyed it and I think they will do it pretty often! They got a little group of followers at the park, it was really cute.
Assorted junk...worthless
Pieces to Mommy's windchimes Violet destroyed...about $100.
$2.45 in old change...$2.45
One on one time with Daddy...PRICELESS
That's cool, I want one of those, Daws would love it. Where can you buy one and how much are they? I love the last pic.
that is cool. Ibet he loved that. Sammy would too. A $100 wind chime? Are you nuts?
1 dollar...not 100.
the one kevin has is very expensive, bu i think you can get cheaper ones, i don't really know.
I love the last pic too. THAT is priceless!
That is great! What a great thing for father and son to do.
That is so neat! So sweet too.
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