When we got home from Shaw's farm yesterday we decorated our yard for Halloween. Ryan is so into Halloween this year, he has always loved it but he is just nuts this year. We put up our corn stalk we got and the Scarecrows we had from a few years ago. I made a lovely gourd and pumpkin display, then Ryan tells me it looks like Thanksgiving not Halloween, not true it was a very natural display. Then Kev got out all the Halloween signs and stuff we had in the garage and Ryan was in HEAVEN! He has signs all over our yard. Thankfully Dad got most of them at an auction and gave them to us. You can certainly tell we are ready for Halloween now!
I told Julia that I really like fall displays but no one but us would see it if I put one up so it isn,t worth the expense, save seeds or when you are all done with the holidays I will dig in to everything and get them out
Very nice!!! I love it!
When can you come and do my yard? I like it.
very cute but not worth the time for us
I am so jealous, we don't have ANY halloween decorations. I love it all!
Very cool! I want to decorate our house more. We don't have many decorations - if any. haha
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