Ryan and Nick wanted play in shaving cream the other night. Ryan said they had too because Nick has never done it before. So since they HAD TO, we got it out. they had a blast. They were covered in it, it took Kevin quite some time to clean Nick off while I set up a shaving cream craft. They made marble paper. They really had a slot of fun. The mess was huge but well worht it for all the lovely paper we now have.
How do you make the marble paper?? What do you do with it? They look like they are enjoying themselves!!!! Bet they smelled handsome too! ha ha
I love making that too. Looks liek they had fun.
The best part of that is that every age LOVES the shaving cream play!
I will have to let the kids do that, it looks like alot of fun. I might even have to get in on the fun myself.What a kid?!Yeah, what is marble paper?
It looks like they had a blast!I wonder what his parents thought of it.
His parents aren't surprised by any of the stuff we do anymore. I'm sure his mom liked the paper. You can use it to make cards, other crafts or even scrapbooking. All you have to do is put a layer of shaving cream down, smooth it a little bit, then drop a few drops of acrylic paint one it and let the kids swirl it around. Then take paper and lay it on top, gentle push it down and rub, then take it off and you use a squeegee to pull the shaving cream off, let it dry and there you go.
Cool Craft! I might try that someday if I ever get the guts to try that with my kids.
My boys love the shaving cream on the table, we'll have to try the paper. You should post a picture of what the paper looks like when you're done.
Ha! ha! Looks fun! I used to play with my dad's shaving cream!
the picture with no people is the boys paper drying on my island. If you click on it you can see the finished papers.
I see it now!
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