Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Here is a quick explanation as to why Kev and I went to Dr. Hofmann, the fertility doctor. I realized after you guys started asking questions that only Sonya, maybe Lura know the story. We have told so many people and don't hide any of it so I just assume everyone knows. Kevin had cancer at the age of 19. He was left basically sterile from the chemo. They stored some sperm before they started his chemo, but only enough for 2 rounds of artificial insemination , neither of which got me pregnant. We then went through the IVF cycle and only got 3 eggs to fertilize , they put all 3 back and still no pregnancy. So we started all over, this time 1 egg fertilized. Luckily it was a perfect little egg, my Ryan. We tried again when Ryan was about 3, they got lots of eggs again but not one fertilized. SO no pregnancy AGAIN! We are happy with our little miracle. We know that the odds are and were against us ever getting pregnant, they had to use a new procedure that had only been done once before to get us Ryan. He was a true miracle. As well as the miracles that saved Kevin's life, so we don't expect another one. Don't get me wrong I would love to have another bundle of joy but if it doesn't ever happen, I will be happy. It is a lot to put us through as well as Ryan, oh and the expense is way up there. SO there is the shortest version I could give you all. Any more questions let me know. It really doesn't bother me. I wish other people were more opened about it, more people would get help.


Crystal said...

I knew about the cancer and I knew you had sperm stored. I didn't know everything you went thru to have lil Ry though. Wow! You have a great attitude about it. You sound very grateful for the blessing you have. I know you'd love more children but I am very happy that you got to have Ryan!!!

Amanda said...

You do have an amazing attitude and so does your husband. That is a lot to go through.
I keep typing and erasing because everything sounds so cheesy that I write.
I didn't realize just how much you guys had endured. It just makes me admire and respect you that much more!

Crystal said...

Amanda, I was doing the same thing.....I kept typing and erasing cause nothing sounded right! I never know what to say about things like this.....

Cheryl said...

Just say it. I won't tke anything the wrong why and I have answered about any question you girls could ever come with. I never hold back, you all shouldn't.

Amanda said...

Okay, well here's my question.
Is the chance of conceiving naturally gone, or is there a small possibility? I ask because I had a friend who went through invitro twice, had her boys and then 2 years later got pregnant on her own. They had said Her husband had a really, super low sperm count and it wouldn't happen on its own. But it did... I didn't know if that could happen with you guys. I hope I wasn't too nos.!

Crystal said...

My question is.....do you have any more tries left and if so, do plan to try again. If you already answered this in your post, I apologize. My other question is, would you and Kevin ever consider adopting??

Carrie said...

Thats truly amazing. Its a very personal thing and I am glad you are so open to talk about it!

Things like this open my eyes and remind me not to take things for granted.

Cheryl said...

It is impossible for us to get pregnant on our own. We actually have a low probability with invetro so nope never going to happen by itself.
We have no frozen embros so if we ever did it again we would have to start all over.
We would have considered adoption if we hadn't had Ryan. But we are happy with him.
I don't know if we will ever do it again. Our chances get even worse the older I get, plus it really takes a lot out of all of us. Plus it cost a lot. SO I'm not sure, but we would have to do it in the next 6 years. Before I am 40.

Char said...

Wow, how neat! I'm glad you got your precious baby boy!
So do they take your egg and his sperm and join them and then place them in your uterous? or how do they do it? I always wondered.

Cheryl said...

Yep that is just what they do. Harvest my eggs and inject 1 sperm into each one, once they fertilize, if they fertilize they put up to 3 back in your uterus and then you pray and get shots in your butt for 10 days and get a test. IF you are pregnant you know after 10 days. That makes a pregnancy very long. But all of it is worth it.

Char said...

Oh, ouch on the shots!! That's amazing, isn't it??!! I'm so glad you have little Ry! :)