Here is a picture of a little over half the kids that were at the picnic. I can't imagine how big the picture would be if all there success were there. How cool would it be to be responsible for all those lives? They are really wonderful men those doctors. They were so happy and proud talking to all the kids and families. It was really cool to be a part of that. Ryan had a blast. They had free snow cones, tattoos, face painting, balloon animals for the kids. Plus tons of food and drinks. It was great. They gave away tons of prizes, including a free IVF cycle. Unfortunately we didn't win. Oh well.
That is soo awesome! I love the pic of Ryan on the tire swing!
It's neat to see all those little miracles and blessings!
I know I read ont he invite that they were giving a cycle awaya dn I laughed. What if someone like us won? Could we cash it in for diapers???? Or trade it to someone.
That is way too neat!
I hope the couple who won the IVF cycle wanted it!!
only people who wanted it signed up for it.
Oh, that makes sense!!!
I love the top picture of Father and Son. It is adorable! Were there a lot of multiples? I had a friend who went through 2 cycles. The first one failed and the second gave her twin boys. It amazes me all that is involved with the process. I don't think people understand how involved it is. What a miracle.
Oh Amanda you don't know the half of it. We have BIG problems. But it is all worth it. There were quite a few twins and 1 set of trips. That center has very low multiple averages. They are very careful to give you a child but one at a time.
I am sorry for your struggles, but just looking at that beautiful boy God blessed you with must have made it all worth it.
I did not realize there had been fertility struggles. My heart goes out to you for that.
yeah we had problems too but couldn't afford to do anything about it. we went for a consultation at that same office and the doctor happen to also be an encrinoligist (sp) and perscribed my husband medicine and it fixed our problem
Those are a lot of kids. hehe! How wonderful for all of you!!
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