Yesterday I was upstairs cleaning and Ryan and Nick were down stairs. I could hear them talking. Ryan was asking Nick if he knew the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Nick said no and Ryan told him the whole story. It was so cute. Then Ryan comes up and asks if they can do a craft. I said Yes as long as he cleaned it all up. Well they made a huge beanstalk and a giant. Then they made Jack and out them on strings so they could act out the story. It was so cute. They did a really good job with no help at all. Nick doesn't really like crafts but he loves to watch Ryan do them, he is funny.
How creative and imaginative! They did such a good job! That would have been so fun to see.
OH how cool!!! Ryan looks so grown up in those pics!!!
wow that is great. I am thrilled that he is so crafty. That story is a great one. i remember reading our book of that over and over. The giant part never gets less scary....
That was very creative of him! He is crafty - like you guys!!
How old is Nick?? He's so short compared to Ry!
Nick is 4.
what a great imagination!
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