I have been busy! I got all my shirts embroidered, if I get time I am going to embroider a couple of lanyards but then I am all done. I bought the last few things we needed today and we are almost completely packed and ready to go.
Tonight we have the cub scout fishing derby. There will be fishing, knot tying, snacks and crafts and then a little ceremony inducting the new boys and moving the other cub scouts to their next level. It should be fun!
I lost 3 more pounds last week and am 2 pounds from my goal. Fingers crossed that I make it!
I am going to be sending you all special post cards from Disney this time. I think you'll enjoy them!
Sunday we have the party for Ryan's teacher at the park. She is retiring and it seems to be making Ryan very sad. He isn't even excited about school ending, because she won't be there next year. He is excited about Disney though so his sadness will last maybe one day. The party should be fun, but I have to bake for it. So let's hope I don't eat what I bake!
Next week will be fun and go pretty fast I think. Tuesday is field day at school and I am working it all day. It should be fun. Then Wednesday we have a class picnic. Thursday is the last day. Friday we leave for Disney! BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
I have a blue tooth for my laptop so I will be connected for the whole drive down, that makes the ride much better for me! I can also update my blog with pictures when I have time.
Guess that's it. CHOW!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monkeys in Our Tree

Ryan loves to climb trees now. He is too little to get up in our big tree in the front but Aaron isn't. So Aaron climbed up and then Grandpa lifted Ryan up to him. Ryan loved it. Then Sawyer wanted to try. He was ok with it, he wouldn't smile for my pictures but he seemed ok with being up there. When we asked if he wanted down he said yes. Aaron hung him down by one leg to Grandpa...now that he loved!! Sammy did not like it!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Playing Outside

After we ate we all hung out outside. It was a beautiful day, not too hot. The dogs had a blast having each other and the kids to play with. They all got along great. Jada got hot so she got in the pond! It was hilarious!! She kept putting her head in and blowing bubbles! She couldn't understand why no one wanted her once she'd been in the pond! They guys tossed football and Frisbee and lacrosse. They all had fun too. Violet stole the football a couple of times but she was quickly caught! The little boys played on the swing set and ran around the yard. They also had David's poor girlfriend. they drug her around everywhere and even had lightsaber fights with her. More pics to come. It is taking forever to load them!
Monday, May 26, 2008
David's Birthday Celebration
Saturday, May 24, 2008
So much to post so LITTLE time

Here are some pics from Ryan's actual birthday. He had a wonderful day. They announced his birthday on the morning announcements, and he got a birthday crown to wear. His cupcakes were a big hit! He and Grammy went to see Narnia Thursday night, which they both loved.
Friday night we went to see Indiania Jones with Kevin's parents. Much like the other Indy's it was fast pace and a little hard to follow at times but very entertaining. Ryan loved it of course.
Today I went to get a pedicure at Tuscany Spa, it was very relaxing and I now have beautiful toes for my trip to Disney. In 2 weeks I will be riding rides at this time!!
Oh and guess who came back? Our deer. Ryan saw him at the end of the cul-d-sac and we went running down after him. He just stood there again. Check Ryan's blog for the pics. Ryan was so excited. I had to stop him about 5 feet from the deer, he would have kept going, probably right up too it.
Tomorrow is David's party here. It should be fun, we are grilling out and playing games. Just hanging out! Oh and his girlfriend is coming. That should be a lot of fun!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Another busy week
My baby is turning 7 tomorrow. I can't believe it. I am so proud of him and how well he is doing in school and how well he reads. He reads everything now. He can write stories and do everything on his own. But i am very sad too. I mean my baby is turning 7!
I lost 2 more pounds this week. AND I just made the cupcakes for Ryan's class for tomorrow and didn't lick my fingers once. That is so big for me. My house smells like delicious cupcakes! But I am only 5 pounds from my Disney goal and I AM going to make it!!
I started packing yesterday and getting all our stuff together. It is a big job, you'd think I'd be pro by now! I do have a system. It works well for us.
Ryan is excited about his first cub scout ceremony, it is next Friday. we also signed up for a over night camping trip at Cub World. I think the scouts are going to be so good for him. He's excited.
My house is still a mess but a manageable mess. I can now scrub down my kitchen tomorrow. I had to wait until after the cupcakes were done, or I'd just have to do it again before the weekend.
I guess that is about it nothing else major going on. Chow Chicas!
I lost 2 more pounds this week. AND I just made the cupcakes for Ryan's class for tomorrow and didn't lick my fingers once. That is so big for me. My house smells like delicious cupcakes! But I am only 5 pounds from my Disney goal and I AM going to make it!!
I started packing yesterday and getting all our stuff together. It is a big job, you'd think I'd be pro by now! I do have a system. It works well for us.
Ryan is excited about his first cub scout ceremony, it is next Friday. we also signed up for a over night camping trip at Cub World. I think the scouts are going to be so good for him. He's excited.
My house is still a mess but a manageable mess. I can now scrub down my kitchen tomorrow. I had to wait until after the cupcakes were done, or I'd just have to do it again before the weekend.
I guess that is about it nothing else major going on. Chow Chicas!
Monday, May 19, 2008
More Party Pics
Party Pics

Ryan's party went very well except for the stupid wind! Next year we are doing it inside. The wind blew everything over. Goodie bags and balloons and even the presents were everywhere. But the kids had fun and didn't seem to even notice the wind. They really loved the broom races, they were so cute!! Ryan had a blast and that is all that matter to me! He got a lot of great gifts. He put together his legos as soon as he got home. He also got an awesome bug robot kit from Grandma and Grandpa Sweet and he and Daddy and Nick put it together. Okay, Daddy did it and the boys watched, most of it. Ryan did a couple of the screws. They loved playing with it when it was finished and buzzing around the table. It is really awesome. I forgot to turn my pictures before I posted so I can't put u[p most the pics. I will post more later.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
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