Here are some pics from Ryan's actual birthday. He had a wonderful day. They announced his birthday on the morning announcements, and he got a birthday crown to wear. His cupcakes were a big hit! He and Grammy went to see Narnia Thursday night, which they both loved.
Friday night we went to see Indiania Jones with Kevin's parents. Much like the other Indy's it was fast pace and a little hard to follow at times but very entertaining. Ryan loved it of course.
Today I went to get a pedicure at Tuscany Spa, it was very relaxing and I now have beautiful toes for my trip to Disney. In 2 weeks I will be riding rides at this time!!
Oh and guess who came back? Our deer. Ryan saw him at the end of the cul-d-sac and we went running down after him. He just stood there again. Check Ryan's blog for the pics. Ryan was so excited. I had to stop him about 5 feet from the deer, he would have kept going, probably right up too it.
Tomorrow is David's party here. It should be fun, we are grilling out and playing games. Just hanging out! Oh and his girlfriend is coming. That should be a lot of fun!!
So, we get to meet David's girlfriend, I am excited. I bought the beach towels but left them in the stroller when we went to Crazy City. Sonya said she would bring them to you tomorrow. Are any of his other friends coming? Is that giant boy coming, the one that is about 9 feet tall? Yes ladies I am attending my ex-husband's son's party. I love him to death. What a doll!! I hope this post goes through. See you tomorrow. Oh, I will be at your house at 9:00 am to pick up your son. Mom
Okay, I`m back. Don`t get too excited. Tomorrow will be the perfect day for a party. Debby you are so funny (that giant boy). Everybody looks like they`re 9 feet tall to me.haha
Those cupcakes look delicious and the picture of Ryan is too cute!!!
Who is the giant boy? I want to see a picture. I think it's great that you are going to your ex-husband's son's party! That is a mouthful!!
I hope you all have a wonderful time. Take lots of pictures!
Tell David I said happy birthday, enjoy your pedicure, and don't forget to send me a postcard from Disney!!! I will start my practice runs to the mailbox this weekend. Gotta get those legs in shape for the 10 foot walk....
oh gosh.....
is it bad that i'm nervous about tomorrow? :P
Those cupcakes look delicious and very pretty! That picture of Ry is adorable! I have never had a pedicure or manicure in my life......I know, sad, huh? ha ha
I'm soo happy that the deer came back for Ryan....that's so awesome! Have fun at the party.
The cupcakes look soooo good!
I am glad Ryan had a great birthday! I love his crown too! Too cute!
I am in desperate need of a pedicure...I think I will get one for my birthday in two weeks!
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