After we ate we all hung out outside. It was a beautiful day, not too hot. The dogs had a blast having each other and the kids to play with. They all got along great. Jada got hot so she got in the pond! It was hilarious!! She kept putting her head in and blowing bubbles! She couldn't understand why no one wanted her once she'd been in the pond! They guys tossed football and Frisbee and lacrosse. They all had fun too. Violet stole the football a couple of times but she was quickly caught! The little boys played on the swing set and ran around the yard. They also had David's poor girlfriend. they drug her around everywhere and even had lightsaber fights with her. More pics to come. It is taking forever to load them!
yeah the new camera has it's downfalls, the worst being the fact that loading pics takes FOREVER. We had fun too and we stayed way longer than we thought we would.
Looks like a great time!
That looks like a lot of fun! The black dog is beautiful!
Looks and sounds like a fun party! The dogs are beautiful!
I am putting in my reservations for next year!!!
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