We had fun opening our gifts, EVEN though Adam opened his as slow as possible to delay my turn. He thought he was quite funny! We got a lot of nice things. My Beauty and the Beast nesting dolls being my favorite. I also got adorable tinker Bell Jammies that will be featured in Christmas morning pictures! Kevin got a table tennis Wii game which he and David LOVE! Even the doggies got presents which they loved too. Elaine cried when she opened their webcams, it was sweet. We really had a relaxing and fun night! After David opened his keyboard we all out it together and Aaron, Ryan and David played us lots of shall we call them songs. We left about 9:30 with a very sleepy boy. We had to wake him up when we got home to leave cookies for Santa and his reindeer food out. He was then so excited he couldn't sleep. Those pictures to come later. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas eve too. Oh on Saturday we went to the Slye family party but I left my camera in the garage...I was bummed. I got to meet Jaelyn, she is the sweetest little thing. I held her for a long time. We all sat around and talked and got caught up on each other's lives. We are going to have a new Slye baby in April, exciting news. My cousin Angie was there and we talked forever. She is such a sweet girl, I love her to death. Ryan played his first game of football, he loved it. I will post our cookies and milk later...chow girls.
Your Christmas with your family sounds very nice. I love the Beauty and the Best dolls. That's really neat. I didn't know they made those. What are the other dolls? Are they the same or different characters?
Oh I can't wait to see the Tinker Bell jammies! :) I have my Tink jammies on in our Christmas pictures too.
jada looks cute. Was addy there?
david's keyboard is cool
Boy Ang must have you all fooled cause that's not how any of us would describe her right now. That girl is a hot mess!
I love the girl dearly but her alcohol and drug abuse has really taken a toll on her....I am praying hard for her!
YOur Christmas sounds very nice. Glad you had a goo dtime and finally gotto ope your present!!!!
that looks like it was alot of fun.
i'm intrigued by the beauty and the beast dolls.
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