When Dave got there he got Rascal right out. Ryan pet him and then couldn't resist giving him a big hug. He doesn't ask or think before doing these things. Luckily Rascal took it well. Ryan also stood behind the horse and grabbed his tail, I don't know how he didn't get kicked. He really loves animals and was in pure heaven. You wouldn't think it could get better and then Dave asked if Ryan wanted to sit on him. Ry's eyes a bout bugged out of his head. He spent the rest of the time we were there sitting on Rascal. He was a very sweet horse, very well behaved, but Dave said he deserves his name. He is rotten at home, that's probably why he and Ry bonded! Ryan didn't want to leave but the rest of us were freezing. Ry just couldn't pull himself away. He loved seeing that horse so much. He was amazed when he got back in the car and said "I can't believe that was Grandpa's surprise!!". It was really wonderful!! It took a million pictures and video taped him. Ryan has already watched the video about 5 times.
What a wonderful experience and memory for him and his grandpa!!! So cool!!! That horse is cute!
You scared me when you said he stood behind him and pulled his tail.Thank God, he didn`t get kicked.What a rascal?!
that is really sweet! He looks so cute on the horse.
Wow! That's great! You can see how much he loves that horse. I'm glad his grandpa surprised him.
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