Ryan was so excited when he woke up. I came downstairs to get the camera's ready and let the dogs out. Ryan was suppose to tell me when they were coming down but didn't so I missed his face when he came down the stairs, I heard him yell "he came" from the other room. He loved everything he got. He didn't open the presents in any organized fashion, he would open one from the frint and then climb in the back or way under the tree for another present. He is so silly! Then Grammy got here and they exchange their present when Ryan was done with his. They both loved their gifts too. Kevin set up the Wii while we were cleaning up a bit. I don't know who was more excited Ryan or Grammy. We had to go to Kevin's parents after that so Grammy got to stay and play Wii. I got some nice things from my husband who wasn't suppose to buy me anything. I got the KitchenAid blender I have been wanting forever. I also got a great rolling bag for my Cricut and some markers for it. The girls got a few present each but decided to fight over one...they are sisters!! Kevin got a razor and new MP3 player, yes, I knew he bought me stuff so I got him some things too. We had a wonderful morning!
oh i love that lil helper thing. i would LOVE to buy that for sammy for his birthday.
Ryan looks so excited.
We got it at Lowe's, it was only $20.00 and it has real tools with it.
Ryan looks so cute opening all his gifts! Your Christmas sounds wonderful! Glad you got the Kitchenaid mixer you've been wanting!
Oh his sleepy lil face is soo cute! I love him in that Lil helper outfit! ha
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