Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My Piggies

Here are my painted toe nails. Ryan wanted to paint them so I let him help. It was funny because he wanted his done too, but I didn't let him. Can you imagine him going to school with purple toenails!! He's not the best at staying just on the nails but hey purple toes are cool!! Thanks again Crystal!!
Our Crop

So here is a little rundown on what went happened at our crop. I got 21 pages done, Sonya was somewhere in the high teens, I'm not sure about Lura or Jamie but Charity, well she got a lot of socializing done and some eating, and she looked at a lot of others pages oh and she did crop a few pictures...haha...I'm kidding Char!! Jamie and Sonya each won a drawing and they pulled my name out 4 times, yes 4 times. Charity and Lura got massages! we ate tons of snacks and talked a lot. I feel I got to know Charity better. I really think she is sweet and funny, we have a lot in common!! We found we are both Pepsi product lovers in a world of Coke people, so sad. All in all it was a wonderful and productive day and I hope we can all do it again soon!!! Peace Out!!
Our Present From Crystal
Ice Cream?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Quick Post
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Well ladies not a ton to fill you in on but a couple little things. Ryan did so well at his swimming lesson. He really shocked me. He swam all the way across the pool, doggy paddle but he made it the whole way and that was before class started. He went under a number of times. He was very proud of himself and very happy when Daddy came in to see him. He just beamed. Kevin usually has to work until 6 on Wednesdays so he can't be at swim class. Ryan will be swimming like a fish in no time.
Mira ate an entire jar of peanut butter yesterday. She even ate part of the jar. That dog is crazy, she has been acting like a puppy lately. She has been rotten like Violet. But they are so loving and so cute that you just can't stay mad at the little boogers!
I have so much to embroider before our trip in June. I got 3 of 26 shirts I need to get done yesterday. Plus I would like to get a few other things done. Who knows if I'll get it all done but I will give it a try. Plus all the stuff I have to do for Ryan's class. Wow I should not be sitting here blogging. Well after this weekend I have to buckle down and get it all done!!! Well I have to get ready to get my little kindergartener. Chow ladies.
Mira ate an entire jar of peanut butter yesterday. She even ate part of the jar. That dog is crazy, she has been acting like a puppy lately. She has been rotten like Violet. But they are so loving and so cute that you just can't stay mad at the little boogers!
I have so much to embroider before our trip in June. I got 3 of 26 shirts I need to get done yesterday. Plus I would like to get a few other things done. Who knows if I'll get it all done but I will give it a try. Plus all the stuff I have to do for Ryan's class. Wow I should not be sitting here blogging. Well after this weekend I have to buckle down and get it all done!!! Well I have to get ready to get my little kindergartener. Chow ladies.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Violet, Ryan and a Balloon

Ryan and violet had so much fun tonight playing with one of those punching balloons. I got some great pictures. Ryan thought it was great that he could throw the balloon to Violet and she would hit it back. He kept calling her Air Bud. Then he'd throw it up high and she would jump and hit it. It was so cute. But as Violet always does she eventually stole the balloon and ran so Ryan would chase her. Of course they both enjoyed that too. I don't know what he would do with out that dog. She truly is like a little sister to him.

Well I have nothing to post about. I am hungry and I have made no plans for dinner. I have gotten a lot done in the last couple of days but boy do I have a lot still to do. I have so much to do for Ryan's birthday, and for all the stuff going on for the end of the school year. I have to figure out something for a teacher's gift and plan our picnic/potluck. I am starting to get stuff ready for Disney. Only 37 days til Disney!! That is exciting! It is just too pretty out to be inside embroidering shirts. I did get the some of the laundry folded, and the dishes done. I have everything ready for our wonderful Saturday. oh maybe I should bake something for us...or maybe not, a lot of the people are dieting. You guys let em know. I love to bake. I worked out at the gym again today but I had to skip the tanning, I got a little pink yesterday. Well I have to figure something out for dinner and fold more laundry. See ya ladies.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Ok I am Posting

Do you guys realize that it is absolutely beautiful outside? Too nice to be sitting inside and blogging!! You guys are crazy. I also have a life, not much of a life but I am a busy person. But I am back and here is a post.
Friday we played outside and grilled turkey burgers for dinner. I was in Ryan in the morning and we got some shopping done for his birthday and Bethany's shower.
Saturday Ryan went with Grammy to Sammy's soccer game. He said Sammy is really good. While he was gone kev and I cleaned up the house. Also Dad, Julia and David came over and David went through all our trader pins to pick out the ones he was going to buy. Then we went to a nursery to buy some pretty plants for the yard. After that Ryan was home and we all grilled out rotisserie Chicken. oh boy was it good. While that was cooking us girls went to Archiver's, I needed to get a few little things for our crop on Saturday. I am getting very excited about it!! After we ate we had a major planning session for the shower. And we all finally went to bed.
Sunday I packed up most of my supplies for this weekend. I also uploaded 600 pictures to walmart, which they have already shipped. I should have them tomorrow, well I will have to pick them up at the store. Then we worked in the yard. We planted my new plants and trimmed all my rose bushes and dug up the poor bushes that died. They look much better now. We also have a plan for the big hole I have from another bush we removed. We are going to get a bird bath and then plant pretty annuals around it. All I have to do now is find a sunny place in my yard for garden that the dogs can't get to it.
Here are some pictures of classic Ryan and David getting his hair cut from Saturday.
Are you all happy now? You know all about my weekend!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Oh that Dog

Ryan has been playing outside all day. He was literally outside for over 6 hours. He has had so much fun. He played with the little boy across the street Nick, they played with a poor little toad for hours. Then we went for a walk with Grammy and Nick. Then we got out the jeep for a short walk. Ryan was driving the Jeep around the yard and I wondered if Violet would get ina nd go for a ride. Well I had to lift her into the Jeep but she stayed in and went for a ride. It was so funny. That dumb dog will do anything with Ryan. We are now in and I am getting ready to grill some burgers for me and my man, don't tell Kevin. haha just kidding. Oh and exciting news Kevin has started opening the pool, the cover is off and for the first year since we got it, the water is NOT green. Yeah, we should be getting the new heater on Monday and I may be swimming on the next really warm day. Ok not til the water is about 86, I like it warm. Chow now I must cook.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Yucky Weather
Gosh I hate this yucky rain. It makes life with 2 big dogs a pain. I am getting as much done today as I can without having to leave the house. I need to go grocery shopping but who wants to carry in groceries in the rain. I did get Ryan signed up for the Kidzeye thing Charity told us about on her blog. I also called and got signed up the for crop and placed a small order. The lady doing the crop, Anna, seems really nice. I am so excited, I know this going to be so much fun. We got our last shipments of Disney pins before our trip in June. When I get stuff like that I get so excited I want to go NOW!!! I also called and got the park for Ryan's birthday party. He wanted to have it at a park this year. He is having a Star Wars party on May 19th. I have so much to get ready for that, he is so excited because it is the first party where he gets to invite friends from school. So it must be perfect!!! Wow I started this 2 hours ago but my friend Teri called and there went 2 hours. It's funny because I HATE to talk on the phone but with her it seems like 5 minutes and you look at the clock and 2 hours are gone. My jaws hurt because we laugh so much when we talk, just stupid stuff but it's great. Ok I have no idea what I was going to post about so I will just publish this. Chow ladies.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
First Swim Lesson
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Lovely Evening
Wow is this weather great or what? Too bad it isn't going to last. I am actually sitting outside watching Ryan and the girls play. We just went for a nice long walk. Half of our or should I say my walk Ryan drove his Jeep, the other half he rode his 2 wheeler. He loves to be outside. We saw lots of neighbors with dogs and kids. Hopefully playmates we can have this summer. Oh here is a croc update for you all. I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill and took a rather long walk in them, did the dishes and cooked dinner all in my crocs and still no sore feet. So I would have to say I love them. Comfy!!! Even for my very picky feet. Ryan has been living in his and loves them too. There were about 6 kids wearing them in his class today so he was very excited. The poor boy is trying to play baseball and Violet keeps stealing his ball so he'll chase her around the yard. It's pretty funny if you're not Ryan. Well my phone is ringing again so off I go. have a wonderful night girls.
Happy Birthday to...
Happy Birthday Mira!!!!!
That's right today is Mira's 3rd birthday. She is right now attacking Ryan who was trying to give her a birthday hug. I guess she is trying to prove she is still puppy-like.
I am off to take Ryan to school and then to walk at the gym and to tan.
See ya all later!!! After Kinder Haus.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Gym Time
I went to the gym tonight to meet with a trainer. He taught me about all the machines and what I should be doing. It was actually kinda fun. I use to just walk on the treadmill and come home...BORING!!! But watch out now ladies, I know how to get buff now. Of course as I type this I am eating candy so hopefully it all balances out. The trainer asked me my goal and was surprised that I didn't have one. He just looked at me like I was a nut. I told him I'm not trying to get to a certain weight or into a certain size, I just want to workout and get a little healthier. He was very sweet and said ok healthier is our goal. So we'll see if I actually get anywhere, I am going to try to go and do all the stuff he showed me 3 times a week, and maybe another day of just cardio, try to drink more water and less pop. That is all I am willing to do so hopefully my body will appreciate it and look better or at least let me chase after Ryan all day without getting winded. Maybe if I start to see results i will be motivated to do more but I doubt it. I am just to happy with my life, so what if my butt is big. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I hope you all sang that last part. Oh I am in a goofy mood...it's all Amanda's fault. Her blog is hilarious!!! Kevin and I have been laughing at everything since we read it. I will post pictures in a few weeks when I am buff. Bye Bye now.
Disney Crocs

Ryan and I are very excited. We got Disney Crocs today. I have seen everyone under the sun wearing the crocs or a version of them. Last year I tried some of the cheaper version at Payless but they were horribly uncomfortable so I didn't get any. Well then Kev tells me they are selling crocs in EPCOT. So we looked online for a place to buy them and Hallmark of all places carries the full line of Crocs. So we went after school and sure enough they had the Disney ones and Ryan was in love with them from the get go. I tried them on and they aren't hard, they are actually very comfortable. We each got a pair and some of the Disney Buttons to decorate them. So far so good, I love them, but only time will tell. I have very picky feet. They are adorable and should keep our feet nice and cool in Disney. Plus they are great for the pool and beach. Just thought I would tell you all about our new kicks!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
My Wonderful Weekend

I must say I have had a wonderful weekend. It started off with Kevin bringing me flowers, roses, home on Friday. We then had date night. We finally went and joined the gym, which we have been saying we were going to do for months. Then we went to eat at my favorite Italian restaurant, De Meo's. Oh it was so good, their Alfredo sauce is good enough to drink. Then we went to see a movie. A real movie with NO animated parts, made for real adults. We saw Disturbia, it was a thriller and I loved it. Kevin said it was ok, he doesn't like thrillers or scary movies like I do. It wasn't really scary, just suspenseful. The kid from Even Stevens, Lewis was in it, he is a really good actor. So that was my Friday.
Saturday I scrapped all day. I finished another album, 14 pages. I also finally decorated my recipe box. Now I just have to fill it with recipes. The only bad thing about Saturday was poor Kevin was sick all day. I think he is finally feeling better now.
OH and one more sad story. Yoda met with a tragic death. Violet chewed off his arm and a leg. She has been such a little thief lately, if Ryan is doing anything but playing with her she starts to steal anything that she can get tot and makes us chase her to get it back or she just chews it up. She is just rotten.
Sunday...well today the fun ends I am going to clean. My dining room table is piled high with just junk that needs to be put away. I also have a sink full of dishes and laundry to fold. Fun stuff hunh? Oh well I am off. I hope you all had a good weekend. Chow.
Friday, April 13, 2007
First let me say we should all give to Charity. HAHA funny funny. I do not know Charity very well but what I do know about her I like. I know she has mad hops and get lots of air when jumping on a bed. She is a Disney nut like me, and I say nut as a compliment. We also seem to have the same opinion on movies, I love reading her movie reviews on Mondays. Her boys seem to be her life like all good Moms. I have never met her boys either but I can tell they are well mannered intelligent boys and most of that is from the time and effort their Mom puts into them. I hope to meet her someday soon. She is a fellow scrapbooker. She not only does all she can for her boys she also is preserving their memories so they'll always know how special they were to her. Where she finds the time and energy to do all she does for her family I'll never know but KUDOS to her. Charity is a great mother and if you read Lura's blog she is a really good friend too. I am glad we have all entered blog world to get to know each other. Here's to my not so secret sister, Charity.
Yoda and Disney Dollars

Here is a picture of some of the Disney Dollars for those who have never seen them. Also here is our Yoda we made today. It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but Ryan loves it. I just drew his face on with a Sharpie, so it doesn't look that great. It was a lot of work!! I found the pattern on the internet and we wanted to try it now we have. I got half of Ryan's Phoenix done but my sewing machine is acting up so I have quit for today. I don't have a pattern for that one so it is a little more challenging I had to draw it. I will post pics when I finish it.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Our Night
Tonight we went to get our annual passes for Disney and got lots of Disney Dollars, the new ones have Princesses on them. That didn't thrill Ryan but they spend the same way. They are also coming out with Pirate ones, that does thrill Ryan. The new ones are for the 20th anniversary of Disney Dollars. Wow that went a direction I didn't intend. After that I went to Wal-mart to do our grocery shopping. Ryan and I needed some felt. He asked me today if we could make a Yoda and a Phoenix. We tried today and didn't have the right colors of felt. I will post pics tomorrow of our finished products. I did buy some stuff for Ryan's birthday party and a new bathing suit. I also bought tons of snacks for our trip to Disney. I am getting very excited. I can't wait to drive down, all the fun and no scary plane, and I am excited for David to go again. I think he is getting excited too, he is so quiet you never really know how excited he is but he was going through his pins yesterday. We had a simple grilled cheese dinner and some TV time. Nothing special but a good night.
My Birthday

Thank you to all those who left me musical messages yesterday. I must say I don't think any of you should go out for idol!!! Klesko was the best. We hung out at Dad's house and got in the hot tub. That I have pics of. We also went out to dinner once Kev got home from work. We went to Long Horn's my favorite. So that is where we were when the storm hit, I don't have any pics I left my camera in the car. That was our day.
Our Plants, well Hopefully

We finally got our seeds planted in our basement on Tuesday. Ryan had fun planting all the seeds. We made some mess but it was all in the basement. We now just have to wait which is NOT something Ryan does well. He has checked on the seeds about 10 times since we planted them. I tried to tell him it would be a week or so before anything happens but he is an impatient boy!! We will keep you posted I know you are all dying to know what happens. We'll even posts pictures. Now you all have something to look forward too. SM.
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