Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yucky Weather

Gosh I hate this yucky rain. It makes life with 2 big dogs a pain. I am getting as much done today as I can without having to leave the house. I need to go grocery shopping but who wants to carry in groceries in the rain. I did get Ryan signed up for the Kidzeye thing Charity told us about on her blog. I also called and got signed up the for crop and placed a small order. The lady doing the crop, Anna, seems really nice. I am so excited, I know this going to be so much fun. We got our last shipments of Disney pins before our trip in June. When I get stuff like that I get so excited I want to go NOW!!! I also called and got the park for Ryan's birthday party. He wanted to have it at a park this year. He is having a Star Wars party on May 19th. I have so much to get ready for that, he is so excited because it is the first party where he gets to invite friends from school. So it must be perfect!!! Wow I started this 2 hours ago but my friend Teri called and there went 2 hours. It's funny because I HATE to talk on the phone but with her it seems like 5 minutes and you look at the clock and 2 hours are gone. My jaws hurt because we laugh so much when we talk, just stupid stuff but it's great. Ok I have no idea what I was going to post about so I will just publish this. Chow ladies.


Crystal said...

I hate the yucky weather too but I am glad it's yucky since I am stuck in the house anyway.......I would be hating life if it was beautiful out and I was stuck in here like this!

Char said...

It hasn't started raining up here yet.
I'll let you know if Travis gets any points for referring you. If any one else signs their children up, I can get you their kidzeyes name so that we can get credit for referring. (I know it's too late for you Crystal. :( I didn't know about the referral thing.)
Glad you are coming to the crop. Anna was my upline and she is really great. She's a lot of fun and very nice.
Glad you got the park for Ryan's party. I know it'll be perfect!
I know what you mean about talking for a long time. I do that sometimes too. :)

Crystal said...

OOPS I am sorry Charity, I should have done the referring thing. I just did it as fast as I could while Daws was sleeping yesterday. Sorry about that!

SamandSawyersMom said...

did you see all the star wars stuff in the dollar zone at Target. ...??? Tons of it.

I got he pens but i am going back for the wipey boards, wallets and stuff.

Cheryl said...

No I haven't I will go amd look. is stuff I could use for goddie bags?

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh my goodness yes, there are wipey boards (1 dollar each) colored pencil sets (1 dollar each), regular pens with different characters on them (2 for a dollar) and wallets (2 or 3 different kinds of them ) Notebooks too (2 for a buck)


Crystal said...

There was still tons of the Star wars stuff left at my Target!

Carrie said...

I hear yaith dogs and rain! We have only 1 and it drives me crazy! We wipe his paws off before he comes in, otherwise he gets mud spots on our hardwood floors!!

Crystal said...

Oh that whole muddy paw thing drives me insane! ugh!

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

bite me!!

Amanda said...

I am glad I didn't comment sooner so I didn't think the bite me comment was for me!
Ryan should have a fun party. I haven't been to a Target near you so I have no comment on the Star Wars stuff!
I hope that the weather gets better for you. It is warm and sunny here today!

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

oh that is so wrong!!! I went outside to play!