Well I have nothing to post about. I am hungry and I have made no plans for dinner. I have gotten a lot done in the last couple of days but boy do I have a lot still to do. I have so much to do for Ryan's birthday, and for all the stuff going on for the end of the school year. I have to figure out something for a teacher's gift and plan our picnic/potluck. I am starting to get stuff ready for Disney. Only 37 days til Disney!! That is exciting! It is just too pretty out to be inside embroidering shirts. I did get the some of the laundry folded, and the dishes done. I have everything ready for our wonderful Saturday. oh maybe I should bake something for us...or maybe not, a lot of the people are dieting. You guys let em know. I love to bake. I worked out at the gym again today but I had to skip the tanning, I got a little pink yesterday. Well I have to figure something out for dinner and fold more laundry. See ya ladies.
You are a busy girl! You will get it all done though!
Girl, I tried the whole tanning bed thing last year when Shawn bought me some visits for a gift and I only went one time! I layed in that bed and thought to myself "This really isn't for me, my two phobia's are clostraphobia and electricity and I am basically laying in an electric coffin!" Needless to say, I never went back and I still have 12 visits left! ha
I burn so easily and bad that if I go and tan very very slowly I don't burn all summer. Especially in the Florida sun!!
Girl did you see GH today!!!???? What a shocker!!! I didn't see that coming at all........did you????
I don't think I watched it yet. But if you are talking about Craig being Jax brother I about peed myself.
I know this is going to be TMI, but I tried a tanning bed to get ready for Kellie's wedding and I burned my nipples badly! No one informed me you should cover the "sensitive spots"! I haven't gone back either.
Oh Amanda only you. That has never been a problem for me.
i can't believe that ANYONE tans after what we know about skin cancer now
LOL Oh Amanda, I truly wish you would write a book! ha ha You crack me up!
Yes, I was talking about Craig being Jax' brother! I totally didn't see that coming at all! My mouth literally dropped open! I couldn't believe it! What a great twist! Now I know, he will end up with Alexis!
If you didn't watch it today, how did you know about Craig???
It was the last thing they showed yesterday. I have watched half of today's now.
Cheryl, Could you make embroidered t shirts for our blogger get together? We could pay you for the shirts. Just an idea.
I loved the tanning bed when I used it. I used to fall asleep and be so warm and relaxed. I wouldn't use it now though.
Oh great idea. Yeah I could make everyone a shirt. Let's think of a saying or something to put on them.
I bet you are getting so excited about your Disney trip! I can't wait to talk Disney with you on Saturday!
Oh and GH- I was really shocked when they showed him as Jax brother. That sure does put a twist on things.
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