I must say I have had a wonderful weekend. It started off with Kevin bringing me flowers, roses, home on Friday. We then had date night. We finally went and joined the gym, which we have been saying we were going to do for months. Then we went to eat at my favorite Italian restaurant, De Meo's. Oh it was so good, their Alfredo sauce is good enough to drink. Then we went to see a movie. A real movie with NO animated parts, made for real adults. We saw Disturbia, it was a thriller and I loved it. Kevin said it was ok, he doesn't like thrillers or scary movies like I do. It wasn't really scary, just suspenseful. The kid from Even Stevens, Lewis was in it, he is a really good actor. So that was my Friday.
Saturday I scrapped all day. I finished another album, 14 pages. I also finally decorated my recipe box. Now I just have to fill it with recipes. The only bad thing about Saturday was poor Kevin was sick all day. I think he is finally feeling better now.
OH and one more sad story. Yoda met with a tragic death. Violet chewed off his arm and a leg. She has been such a little thief lately, if Ryan is doing anything but playing with her she starts to steal anything that she can get tot and makes us chase her to get it back or she just chews it up. She is just rotten.
Sunday...well today the fun ends I am going to clean. My dining room table is piled high with just junk that needs to be put away. I also have a sink full of dishes and laundry to fold. Fun stuff hunh? Oh well I am off. I hope you all had a good weekend. Chow.
Ahh, I am so glad you had a good birthday weekend! Cameron LOVES Demeo's that was the restraunt that he was going to volunteer at for Thankgiving because they were feeding the homeless there. The family that owns it goes to the same church as Cam so he knows them pretty well. I have never been there before but everyone that has eaten there, just raves about it!
Beautiful flowers! Cute Recipe box. I am sorry about yoda and that Kevin was sick on Saturday. Good for you for joining a gym - I have never been successful at one. I get too self concious and worry I sweat too much. I have a fear of leaving butt prints on the machines. I know...TMI! I am glad you had fun!
Wow! Those flowers are beautiful. The recipe box is very cute!
Glad you had a great weekend! That's great you got to go to a grown up movie. :)
Sorry Kevin was sick. That is no fun at all! Poor Yoda! :(
That Violet is such a stinker. Kelsey would have never....
Glad you had fun
out. I lvoe Italien
I love the roses! They are beautiful! I like the recipe box too! Its really cute!
For the love of mustard.........POST!
I don't like mustard!!
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